Saturday, September 27, 2008

planets, stars, school, and marching band.

Yesterday night, Katie Bemis and I went to the dino museum to listen to this guy from NASA. (It was worth 20 point extra credit for biology.) It was very interesting to hear about the planets and such. (He said that they actually took a buzz light year toy up is space on a spaceship so that they could say that buzz has been in space before.) His speech included some very funny things and such. I quite enjoyed it. Then afterward we went up to Steinaker reservoir to look at the stars through big telescopes. We saw jupiter and other cool things. We learned some of the constellations that were out. It was quite interesting! I am glad I went.

As for school: I have been in for about a month and I love high school. I am glad that i'm not at the Jr. High any more. Once there for two year you are ready to get out. But I do miss the teachers there. I think that is the only thing that I miss though.
At High school the classes are a bit harder and with Marching band it is hard to keep up with all the classes. But as I said above I am finding ways to get extra credit that will help me with things I can't make up. My favorite classes, are probably Spanish and Marching band, but band can easily be my least favorite at the same time. I'm just glad that the first day is over.

For marching band we went to a review in weber to have judges give us their comments on what we needed to work on for our show to improve it before competition which will be in Payson in a week.... I hope we will be ready. But Mr. Gibson is working us hard every chance he gets, so I think we will be ready.

well, that is basically all I have for you right now
talk to ya later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Que pasa? Hablas espanol ya? Espanol es mas mejor que todas las lenguas. :)